Live Online Ballet Classes

How this all works.


I use my Vaganova Method training to teach classical ballet to students of all ages, although my online classes are primarily for Adult Ballet Students. I believe that ballet needs to be a little challenging to be fun. It’s not just about the splits and the spins, it’s also about training your memory with interesting combinations and working to better your balance.

A ballet workout is unlike any other type of workout, because ballet is a form of art first and foremost. Ballet classes exercise your creative and imagination, just as much as they tone your body.

I never saw myself teaching classes online, but as soon as I started, I knew that my life began a new journey. If you want to know more, read about how 2020 changed my life below.

If you would like to get more familiar with my classes, please check out my YouTube channel. I post videos that will show you the different difficulty levels of the classes.

The FAQ’S below will answer the most common questions people have. If you have any additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out through the Contact page.


2020: The Year My Life as a Ballet Teacher Changed Completely


In my 20 year career as a ballet teacher, I never imagined a world where I would be teaching classes online. My perspective on everything changed in March of 2020 when the mandatory quarantine in the US made me reevaluate my relationship with ballet and who I am as a teacher. During this time, I realized that being a teacher wasn’t just something I enjoyed, it was something I needed to feel creatively fulfilled. The first thing I did in the days following the quarantine mandate was offer free daily ballet classes to all of my current young students. As a mother and a teacher, I know the importance that having a stable pattern has on kids. With everything in the world seemingly unstable, kids needed to have something in their lives that remained the same.

In the beginning, teaching classes online was incredibly challenging. I’m not a tech-savvy person by nature, but I persisted. And soon enough I realized that I loved it!

As weeks passed, I realized that many dance schools across the country seized classes completely and their students were left without the pattern and stability they were so used to. That was when I opened my free live classes to all young students and established classes for adult ballet students. I knew that while I couldn’t assist people with the medical aspects of what was going on, my work can help moral and make something that would otherwise be inaccessible, available and free.

The world is slowly returning to normal and I’m back in the studio teaching under strict social distancing guidelines. I realized that I love teaching virtually too much to stop. I can now connect with enthusiastic ballet students from anywhere in the world. There are no limitations in this journey.

Class FAQs


Do I need to know ballet to join the class?

No. The beginner/intermediate level class is comprehensive and I will be doing all of the combinations along with you. If you get confused at any point, just look at the screen.

If you’ve never taken a ballet class before, please watch my beginner ballet class or the beginner/intermediate ballet class videos on YouTube before the first class. You need to know the 6 positions of the feet and 3 positions of the arms before class, and if you watch either video, you’ll be good. The videos are an incredibly helpful resource for you to get familiar with ballet positions and form.

How do I sign up for a class?

You can register for any of the classes on the Schedule page of the website. Under the date and time, there is a link to a Zoom registration page. For the free classes you will automatically be approve and get an email from Zoom with the link. For the paid classes, I will manually approve you once the payment has been processed.

Which ballet method do you teach?

I teach the Vaganova Method, it’s the Russian method of ballet.

Can I take a private class?

Yes. Please reach out to me through the Contact page if you’re interested in taking a private class.

What do I need to log into the class?

You will need to download the Zoom app on your desktop/laptop or mobile device. Mobile devices are fine, but a larger screen works better. And please make sure to have a stable internet connection.

Do I need to have the camera engaged for the class?

Yes. We ask that everyone has their camera on during class, so that I can give corrections for ballet form and for safety reasons. (I give general corrections when I see common and persistent mistakes in the class, so don’t worry about being singled out).

What should I wear to class?

Ballet clothes and typical exercise clothes both work. You don’t need to wear a leotard unless you want to. I will be giving corrections on ballet form, so wearing tighter exercise clothes is suggested (but not required). Please either wear ballet shoes or socks.

At what level are the group classes taught?

The classes are taught at a beginner, beginner/intermediate, and advanced level. The level of the class is marked on the Schedule page.

Do I need to own a ballet barre?

No. If you don’t have a ballet barre, you can use the back of a chair or a kitchen counter for stability. Having something to hold onto is extremely important for safety, but it doesn’t matter what it is.

Regardless of what you use for stability. Make sure that the camera is facing it directly, so you would not need to move the barre during the class to see the screen. You can just turn your head. (ex. if you’re using the back of the chair, have the camera face the back of the chair).

If you are thinking of getting a ballet barre, you can click here for the link to the one I use during my classes.

Do I need specialty flooring for the class?

No. You can do the class on whatever floor you have (hardwood, carpet etc.). Although ballet flooring work better for some of the movements, it’s not required. I created my classes with at-home workouts in-mind, so small spaces and flooring are totally alright. Although, if you have carpets, please be extra careful.

You will need to have enough space for yourself to move around, including doing grand battement (full kicks forward, back and to the side).

When I do I need to log on for the class?

Please log on to the class 10 minutes before the start of class. The class stops admitting students as soon as the warm up starts at the beginning of class.